Secret Mystery Trail Run Jan 7 2017
5 Mile Trail Run and 2-mile Turkey jog walk and optional Super
The run is back with additional volunteers

New Start Location: Secret
Mystery wooded area North Brunswick
If you go the
wrong way, these are POTENTIAL
Get bitten by starving animals -
Slip on ice & break bones
Buried bombs with mustard gas -
Cut your leg on sharp branches
Slip on snow and break arm - Touch 29,000 Volts of Electricity
Run into tree branches, poke eye out -
Angry deer with huge antlers
Fall into marsh -
Exploding gas pipelines
Giant Sticker bushes - Slide off mud cliffs
Get hit in head with cement
- Bad drivers from New York
Crawl under barbed wire who don’t speak English
$20.00 via
Free skull items for Pre-registered. $24.00 by
DAY OF EVENT. Volunteer receive free
beer and goodies. Please bring a can
food donation for an Edison Food Bank
Run Party held at new location to be provided to pre-registered. A fun time is
guaranteed! You must be over 21 years old to participate. No times are recorded. A sense a humor is a must. Prizes &
giveaways at the post race social. You don’t even need to run to participate.
See past video of fun at

for the Hash skull banner at the start.
to you by the Rumson Hash House Harriers.
run Event Skull goodie bag pick up at Kenneth Vercammen Law Office
Tired of the same old neighborhood roads, traffic, bad drivers? Join the
off-road runners for a great and unusual training run. See the swamps and
wooded areas saved from development. The Rumson Hash House Harriers again
return to the woods and marshes. Hashing is not a race but a non-competitive
group run which follows an off-road course laid out with baking flour. If you
like trail running without the competition of a formal race, this will be a fun
switch for you. This is a complex and different course through woods, grass,
swamp and marsh. Wear old running shoes.
bring a can food donation for the St. James Food Bank. If you are unable to run
you can volunteer. Volunteers receive free beer, food, free yellow T-shirt,
pirate backpack and skull bandanna. Please email if you wish to volunteer at
fun time is guaranteed! You must be over 21 years old to participate. No
times are recorded. A sense a humor is a must. Prizes and giveaways at
the post race social!
Dan’s awards: These are not your traditional age group awards- Special talent, fun hidden tattoos, dirtiest,
most injured/ bloodied, Nicest chest, Miss Congeniality, outstanding
achievement, best costumes 1, 2,3, . Everyone with skull or pirate clothes wins
an award
Waiver of Injury: I hash for fun and admit if I get hurt it’s
my own fault. I recognize that no one
has insurance and agree not to file any type of claim or lawsuit ever.
Fun photos and videos:
Featured on TV News12 NJ and Cablevision.
2010 photos
Photos from prior
Laura S photos 2009
Entry form if you don’t have Internet:
Please make $23.00 checks payable to Vercammen
Assoc. PC, and mail along with this flyer to:
Kenneth Vercammen Law Office, 2053 Woodbridge Ave,
Edison, NJ 08817. [We prefer you register
online at] Free
for volunteers
____________________________________________Age: ______________
Email address: _____________________________________________________
Sex (circle one) straight/other/ none
Phone: ____________________________________
Waiver of Injury: I hash for fun and admit if I get hurt it’s
my own fault. I recognize that no one
has insurance and agree not to file any type of claim or lawsuit ever.
Volunteers receive free registration, free skull backpack,
sandwiches on day they work and day of event. We are only providing sandwiches
to volunteers.
I will also give each volunteer
who requests a 2017 Police Courtesy card [It may work on speeding tickets, etc,
not DWI]. To reduce cost, aggravation and amount of work, this is a no frills
event with no T- shirts. If someone really wants a Yellow Ken Vercammen Fights
to win T- shirt, then can have one.
Saturday Jan 7 Volunteers needed day of
event -Must be at Start by 8am
Past volunteers: Mike Washakowski - Asst. Event
Coordinator and MVP
Bob Tona- set up, award coordinator, and skull cake
and skull chocolate
Dan Fabrizio- Registration and mobile refreshment
truck chair
Brian Borden- set up and event day put up the signs
and banners
Chris Knigge- Registration of fun women
Dave DeMonico- Trumpet for Star Spangled Banner [Evil
Mark Griggs- Skull Awards and set up
Charlotte Griggs- Set up
Jack Lowery- Setting up sound system
Christie Tri-girl Patla- special
awards and great sign
Dancin Fool the hasher who recycled all the bottles
and cardboard and cleaned the party area outside. [You may notice a theme in the hasher groups
to have hasher names]
Tickets: Woman greeter
Joe Dubas- set trail
We thank several other fun
persons who helped, but the volunteer helper list was lost in the bar during
the excitement.
2017 update Wills and Estate Planning- Free Seminar
Wednesday January 11, 2017
12:15-1:00 PM and again 5:15pm-6pm
Law Office of Kenneth Vercammen,
2053 Woodbridge Ave, Edison, NJ 08817
COST: Free if
you pre-register by email. Complimentary materials provided at 12:00 sharp. We
previously held this seminar for the Metuchen and Edison Adult schools. This
program is limited to 15 people. Please bring a canned food donation, which
will be given to a community food bank. Please email us if you plan on
attending or if you would like us to email the materials.
SPEAKER: Kenneth
Vercammen, Esq.
(Author- Answers to Questions About Probate)
new NJ Probate Law made a number of substantial changes in Probate and the
Administration of Estates and Trusts in New Jersey.
The New Probate Law and preparation of
2. Increase in Federal Estate and Gift Tax exemption
Major changes to NJ
Estate Tax & changes to taxes on pensions effective Jan 1
Power of
Administering the Estate & Probate
MATERIAL: Brochures on Wills, "Answers to Questions about Probate"
and Administration of an Estate, Power of Attorney, Living Wills, Real
Estate Sales for Seniors, and Trusts.
Co-Sponsor: Middlesex County Estate Planning Council
To attend email
other Information call 732-572-0500
Can’t attend? We can email you materials
Send email to